Go Hairless!
When most people think of pets, cats and dogs are likely the first to come to mind. But without a lifetime supply of antihistamines, they just aren't an option for those with certain animal allergies. Thankfully, someone hoping to find a new hairless friend can look no further than their local pet store for an exciting new addition to the family. Here are five awesome allergy-friendly picks. Saltwater Fish This is a particularly exciting choice for families with kids, as they're fun to watch and easy to keep safe from little ones. Saltwater fish vary greatly in size, t emperament, and space requirements, so it's important to inquire at the pet store about specific maintenance. One relatively easier option is the Ocellaris Clownfish (think Nemo), which does well in pairs and requires little space. Want to upsize? Consider a larger tank and add a Pacific Blue Tang (Nemo's buddy Dory). Kids would love showing off their real-life Finding Nemo aquarium right in their livin...